Press Release,
From now on, Malaysian tropical timber may be used for buildings and civil works
of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, as far as it is certified by the
Malaysian Timber Certification Council (MTCC). The Hamburg Business Development
Department (Behörde für Wirtschaft und Arbeit) has reached an agreement with
MTCC for the preliminary acceptance of MTCC's certificates for tropical timber
from sustainable forestry. For this reason, according to a Senate's decision
The preliminary acceptance is based on the implementation of a project, initiated
by the Department of Economy (Wirtschaftsbehörde), which controls on the ground
if the certification complies with the political and professional requirements
By the end of the biennial project, the decision is due if
The Institute for World Forestry (Institut für Weltforstwirtschaft) of the
[Translation: Pro REGENWALD, Lilli Schmidt]
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